Wednesday, June 29, 2011


This is a super easy hamburger help type meal my dad grew up on, and then I did, too. It is not Anthony's favorite...he says it is too bland. But, I made some the other night while he was on cross country, and Joe and I loved it:) It's cheap, easy, and pretty kid friendly!!

serves 5-6
1 lb ground beef
1 can tomato soup
1 small box elbow macaroni
salt, pepper, and sugar to taste

Cook macaroni according to package directions (I usually like to go a little longer so they are softer).
While macaroni cooks, brown ground beef in large skillet.
Add undiluted soup to the ground beef once it's cooked.
Season with salt, pepper, and a little sugar.
Drain and rinse cooked macaroni, then stir it into meat mixture.
Turn burner to medium low, warm until bubbly, then serve.
You can add a little water to thin it down if you like.

Monday, June 6, 2011

meal plan...

Monday - no daddy... hotdogs, pretzels, carrots, pineapple (random I know...)
Tuesday - italian chicken (on the bbq), salad, baked chopped golden potatoes
Wednesday - spaghetti and meatballs, salad
Thursday - meatloaf, veggies
Friday - Mexican stuffed shells (per Steffany via Jamie!) - gonna try it!
Saturday - dinner out

p.s. I am posting for myself and sis, she needs some ideas. Anyone else, mealplan? Please post a recipe link if we may not know how to make it! You can post it before the week (like this) or after you already ate the meals.